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Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:27 pm
by nymr83
Those sneakers are beyond hideous, but my only real question is what I can get for them on eBay

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:39 pm
by metirish

Wise words

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:32 pm
by Edgy MD
Nothing false there, but does it help?

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:40 pm
by metirish
Not for the cult followers , no , perhaps for the moderate types it might

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:33 pm
by kcmets
So if Trump is found this summer to have presidential immunity because
the president can do whatever he wants then Biden can just have him shot
as an enemy of the state and we're done with him. Right?

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:38 pm
by Edgy MD
That's a curious theory that I'd like to see to see him asked publicly.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:51 pm
by MFS62
kcmets wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:33 pm So if Trump is found this summer to have presidential immunity because
the president can do whatever he wants then Biden can just have him shot
as an enemy of the state and we're done with him. Right?
(Channeling Mr. Spock) That is logical.
And the supreme Court has just decided that they will hear the immunity case.
But, they have narrowed it to "official" acts. Isn't trying to overthrow the election an unofficial act?

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:34 pm
by MFS62
Sinead O'Connor's estate slams Donald for using "Nothing Compares 2 U" at rallies. ... brief=true

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:25 am
by MFS62
If anyone is unsure about the Pumpkin Perineum's qualifications for office, the should see the first few minutes of this Seth Myers monologue. ... o-minutes/
“Well, here we are you guys,” Meyers began dejectedly. “Donald Trump is now the presumptive GOP nominee for president again, for a third time, despite the fact that he’s a twice-impeached, four-time criminal indictee and racist, who has been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse, banned from doing business in the state of New York for three years, owes over half a billion dollars in fines, took millions from foreign governments while he was President, tried to extort a foreign country to interfere in an election in 2020 and encouraged another to help him win in 2016.”

Without skipping a beat, Meyers continued, “Actively undermined the nation’s response to a once in a lifetime pandemic and let a deadly disease spiral out of control, is about to go on trial for breaking campaign finance laws by paying hush money to cover up an affair during the 2016 campaign.”

“Orchestrated a months-long coup attempt that culminated in a violent insurrection to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power and install him as an unelected dictator,” he continued. “Stole classified documents and obstructed attempts to get them back, has never once won the popular vote and has been routinely rejected by a majority of Americans in election after election.”

But, the late night host still wasn’t done. He continued listing more, including Trump’s fascination with and conspiracy theories about windmills and more, and calling out his many spelling errors on social media. Meyers added that, on top of all that, Trump is “the single weirdest and most off-putting human being on the face of the f—ing planet.”

“And this is the same plan that Ted Cruz lives on. So that’s saying something,” he finished. “I’m sorry but this, this guy, this guy’s not a real person. He’s a glitching NPC from a video game. He makes less sense than a f—ing Sim. If you put four walls around him without a door, he’d just forget to eat and pass out. Soon we’re gonna see him at a rally just running headfirst into a wall.”

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:04 pm
by Chad ochoseis
I get that we say we don't like it when politicians go negative, but people like John Fetterman, Gretchen Whitaker, Adam Schiff, and even Biden himself need to be saying those things. We need to turn Trump into a national joke. Otherwise, we might be looking at four more years of him, and plausibly the end of the US as a democracy.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:36 pm
by Edgy MD
I think President Biden and certainly Senator Fetterman lack the mental dexterity and spotlight poise to handle themselves in such a confrontational manner against somebody who is so in his element when it comes to public maliciousness. The counterpunches, as cheap and unjustified as they would be, would land so much harder in the eyes of the public, don't you think?

I think somebody needs to be taking him down. I'd like to see a panel of some of the president's surrogates holding a counter rally in every city the former president visits, the very next night, absolutely destroying everything he vomited the night before, and stealing the headlines. Maybe do it the same night, but you need a headliner who would pack the folks in, because you know President Trump will be comparing crowd sizes.

Having four or more late night hosts battering him night after night didn't save us in 2016. We're going to need something different.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:06 pm
by Chad ochoseis
Edgy MD wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:36 pm I think President Biden and certainly Senator Fetterman lack the mental dexterity and spotlight poise to handle themselves in such a confrontational manner against somebody who is so in his element when it comes to public maliciousness.
The American public thinks the same thing, and it would be ideal if Biden in particular can prove them wrong. He's still a good speaker when he needs to be, I think.

Not that I think mental dexterity is a substitute for true thoughtfulness or even a requirement to be an effective President. But it sure helps win elections. Sometimes you have to channel your inner Reagan.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:22 pm
by Edgy MD
I agree that he can express himself well in certain circumstances, and I'm hoping tonight is one of those.

I just suspect an extended verbal sparring match is unlikely to be one of those. The guy was prone to saying foolish things when speaking off the cuff 20-25 years ago. I imagine keeping their boss on script is a huge part of the assignment for the White House communications team and other presidential handlers. So it's either allow him to describe what an inept, un-American outrage his predecessor in a rehearsed, inauthentic-feeling manner in a controlled enviorment, or it's allow him to go off the leash, which I imagine would be terrifying to those handlers.

I don't know what the answer is, but my strategy would be to keep him on his own message for most of the campaign, and allow surrogates to go at his opponent more directly.

Come debate time, assuming President Trump deigns to participate, he'll get his chance to land the knockout punch, or at the convention. Until then, just appearing in public with the frequency of an active presidential campaigner, and demonstrating coolheaded competence while doing it, would be a real win.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:35 pm
by MFS62
The Pumpkin Perineum will be giving play-by-play commentary during Biden's speech(not sure where).
He has to intrude on everyone else's moment to focus the spotlight on himself.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:18 am
by Lefty Specialist
Jared Kushner is also a political outrage.
Not a piece from The Onion. Regardless of how you feel about the war in Gaza, this is just.....

Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’
Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there ... rael-negev

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:25 am
by MFS62
Lefty Specialist wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:18 am Jared Kushner is also a political outrage.
Not a piece from The Onion. Regardless of how you feel about the war in Gaza, this is just.....

Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’
Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there ... rael-negev
Every thing that family does is transactional. But that is an insensitive outrage.

Gang, boom. This is me. I hear bing.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:32 pm
by Benjamin Grimm
This is from Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post:
Salon, one of the few outlets to take Trump's cognitive decline seriously, displayed this headline: "'Experts are desperate to warn the public': Hundreds sign Dr. John Gartner's Trump dementia petition." The article's description reads, "They see the signs of Trump's cognitive decline through the eyes of years of training and experience." That succinctly spelled out the basic facts surrounding a petition signed by hundreds of mental health professionals, pointing to obvious signs of Trump's mental dysfunction.

Reviewing his recent verbal difficulties and breaks with reality, Gartner told Salon:
We had more examples where Trump couldn't complete a sentence and strung the fragments together incoherently. It's worth noting that his demeanor changes dramatically at these moments. At one point, Trump was making nonsense sounds, struggling to form even a single word. At one of his events, he said "We'll re-ve-du. Ohhhh." At that moment, Trump took a long-defeated sigh, and looked up at the ceiling blankly, looking confused and de-energized. Finally, Trump is sometimes reduced to simply vocalizing nonsense sounds that are not words at all like an infant. For example, at a recent rally Trump said "Gang, boom. This is me. I hear bing." Trump is literally babbling nonsensically and his followers at these rallies, or interviewers on right-wing media, are nodding their heads in appreciation like he makes sense. This is deeply disturbing.
Maybe there is some benign explanation for these episodes. But the failure of so many media outlets, Salon excepted, to even inform readers about these episodes and discuss Trump's mental function is inexcusable.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:39 pm
by Edgy MD
I'm not betting that a developing sense of the former president's cognitive decline is going to be what break him. Jennifer Rubin (who I'm a regular reader of) kind of has a history, though, of reporting on the scene as she wants it to play out, rather than as it is.

And of course, such a position might have more juice if his major-party opponent wasn't an older man with a long history of fumbling his words.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:55 pm
by whippoorwill

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:30 pm
by MFS62
whippoorwill wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:55 pm Have you heard of Project 2025? ... D5EALw_wcB
Yes. Terrifying.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:57 pm
by Lefty Specialist
Project 2025 should scare every American. It will remake the government in Trump's image. It will impose Christian Nationalism on our society. Rights we've taken for granted will be lost. Dissenting voices will be silenced. Protests will be harshly dealt with. America will be a fundamentally different nation, and not in a good way. They're spelling it out, not hiding it.

This is a project of the American Enterprise Institute and other conservative think tanks, so even if Trump loses, it'll just become Project 2029. This is how Republicans want to run this nation. Imagine Alabama and Idaho as the norm. And we've got a Supreme Court that will uphold every bit of it, so we won't be saved that way.

Too many people say, "Oh, it's just talk....they'll never actually do it." They said that in Germany in 1932, too. People also thought overturning Roe v Wade was just talk. But that's jusr the beginning.

The only thing to do is vote Democratic everywhere, not just for president but all the way down the line. Even so-called 'moderate' Republicans are dangerous because they enable the extremists. The only way this ends is destruction of the Republican Party writ large, all the way down to the local school board.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:05 pm
by metsmarathon
I mean, the kooks that turn up in local school boards are some of the damned worst of them.

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:43 am
by whippoorwill
Yes, I agree

Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:31 am
by MFS62
He is now selling Bibles (for $59.99).
And he says it is his favorite book.
You can't make this stuff up.

I'm surprised it doesn't burst into flame when he touches it.
Religious people are calling it blasphemy and it is offensive no matter what religion you are. ... ry-1883972


Re: Donald Trump is a political outrage (split from Hot Water)

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:12 am
by MFS62
How someone who has supported the people who assaulted police on Jan 6 can be invited to a policeman's wake, and then be cheered when he gets there, is beyond me.
