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Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 9:16 am
by Ceetar
I have little doubt this 'ends', ends as in we stop talking about it as an exception to normal life because it becomes normal life, is once the vaccine is available to everyone, as us just generally going back to normal and every so often we get a "bad Covid outbreak!" story like we get bad flu season alerts, that everyone ignores (there was only like 1, down from almost 200, pediatric flu deaths in the US last season, btw, i wonder why).

And the people into the doom-porn stuff will get regular "this new Covid variant could beat the vaccine!" stories to add to all the other stuff in our dystopia. It mostly won't, because science is awesome, but there will be various variants that will have out-sized effects on our elderly, our immuno-compromised, but as a society we don't really care about that. We'll gnash our teeth a little maybe, but we're not gonna DO anything about it.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:22 am
by Fman99
All the Fox News zombies care about is "owning the libs." First it's owning African Americans. Now it's owning Democrats. Hey, here's a thought. Stop trying to own people.

The more I ponder it, the more I wish that the secession attempted in 1861 had worked and that the despicable elements of this nation had long ago peeled off to their own awful place where I could happily not count them as my countrymen.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:45 am
by MFS62
Ceetar wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 9:16 am once the vaccine is available to everyone,
If you're talking about the United States, it is. To all who are eligible to receive it.


Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:51 am
by Benjamin Grimm
No, it's not. It's only available to people 12 and older.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:31 am
by MFS62
Benjamin Grimm wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:51 am No, it's not. It's only available to people 12 and older.
Fixed it.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:54 pm
by kcmets
Soooo... you've been eating hotdogs, chicken nuggets and processed meat all your life. But you won't get a shot, because you don't know or are afraid of what's in it.

Well, aren't you a special kind of stupid!

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 4:51 pm
by metsmarathon
ashie62 wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:17 am metsmarathon with the takedown.
i'm feeling especially spicy. we had an organization town hall with the incoming general who's the director of the parent organization of my organization.

one of the first questions was from some dipshit. i know he was a dipshit because he was reading from a script that he clearly cribbed off of some y'all queda website, and oh, he thought he came packing a set of silver bullets in his shiny colt 45, becuase i'm sure the website promised him that whoever is asked these questions will turn to jelly, or burst into flames, or immediately be revealed as a half-lizard baby-blood-drinking communist-cabal socialist out to destroy all that is good and american in the land, and then bald eagles blasting laser beams out of their beaks and talons would swoop in and rend the flesh from his still living bones... or something.. oh, he was sure he has some righteous shit on his hands.

he asked the general to comment on how the president's executive order requiring vaccination is unconstitutional and illegal. the general blinked HARD. like, you could hear his eyelids shutter and open again. mad props to the man for his patience with this dumbfuck, who was also the only unmasked person in the room, beside the general - himself alone upon a stage and wearing a clip-on microphone, unmasked so we could all actually hear him well. The general paced back and forth a few times. "you're asking me, a general in the army, a soldier," he approximately said, "to comment on the legality of an order from my commanding officer, the president of the united states?" he went on to explain how he is not a lawyer and not a judge and certainly not an expert on interpreting the constitutional legality of these things. There was so much more that he said, and it was incredible, but i also really wish i could have heard the general's internal monologue.

the dipshit's followup was a real humdinger. and here's where the general REALLY impressed me. dipshit actually said to this man, who was, again, a general in the army, "we just got run out of afghanistan by a bunch of people running around without vaccines and without masks, so clearly if they can operate in a pandemic, vaccines aren't necessary for us to maintain our own readiness." and i mean, i was watching on an MS teams livestream of the damned thing, and i'm certainly not a violent person, but i wanted to throttle this sanctimonious asshat my own damned self. And the general brushed it off like it ain't no thang, saying something about keeping the health and safety of the people he's responsible for being paramount to him, and not even engaging on that nonsense, while surely people he served with are feeling the pain of the evacuation, or maybe even afghanis he knows personally are suffering and will suffer, and fuckface over there thinks its cute to make it about masks and vaccines, also while his own damned coworkers have spent the past 20 years - himself included - trying to support what we were doing as best we could? dafuq!?

his last question was how he, a good hearted Christian (he'd already lost title to that) can possibly abide by a vaccine that somehow benefitted from an abortion. and just, i've fucking had it with these people.

ain't no unborn babies being pulled out of wombs to cure covid, you shitgoblin. you're not injecting baby guts into your damned arm. a fetus was aborted 50 years ago. it wasn't conceived and aborted just to take stem cells out of, but since it had been aborted, stem cells were taken from it. and since then, it has probably saved a million lives just for its contributions to covid vaccines, let alone all of the other vaccine and drug trials that same fetal stem cell line has helped to prove out. if that ain't making the best out of a terrible situation, then i don't know what the fuck is.

but no. this dude. he's too good and too righteous and too sure for the vaccine. fuck him. hard. i hope he doesn't infect anyone who cant defend themselves from his foolery.

so yeah, i'm a little piquant. i'd love to burn these fuckers to the ground.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 5:27 pm
by MFS62
What kind of organization is that? A private or public company, government, educational institution or something else?
A General for Director? Consulting company? Charity?
That's interesting.

Anyhow, The General comported himself well.
If you need to burn those fuckers, I gave up smoking years ago, but I'd be glad to send you my old lighters if I can find them.

Also, I'm a happy camper.
We just found out that my local pharmacy has the Pfizer vaccine and will be giving out the boosters when appropriate. We won't have to go through the administrative hassle the State put us through when the vaccine first was being given. And when we finally got there, we had to stand in a line to stand in another line to stand in the line to get the shots.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:45 pm
by metsmarathon
i'm a US Army civilian, working R&D engineering.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:48 pm
by Frayed Knot
metsmarathon wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:45 pm i'm a US Army civilian, working R&D engineering.
Don't buy it. He's CIA
We just need to keep that under wraps

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:11 pm
by MFS62
metsmarathon wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:45 pm i'm a US Army civilian, working R&D engineering.
Aha! DAC. As we used to say, I know the drill.
They wanted me to come back after my stint ended to teach at the US Army Engineering School at Ft. Belvoir.
I didn't, but later worked for a defense contractor.

But (keeping in line with the thread) while I was in, nobody could refuse a vaccine.


Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:10 am
by Lefty Specialist
Lefty Jr works for a government contractor in DC and Biden's order made vaccines mandatory for them. He got his shot back in April so he's all good anyway.

And three cheers for the General. I like guys who don't tolerate bullshit.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:41 am
by Ceetar
my favorite response in that situation is to point out that Washington mandated inoculation in the Revolutionary War, that we might not even have a country without it. I know the guy wasn't arguing in good faith, so it doesn't really matter, but it's a good response. In situations like that I feel like less is more. The more you say, the more dog-whistle stuff the idiot has to respond to, but if you're just like "well, General Washington mandated inoculation, and it probably won us our freedom. Good enough for George Washington, good enough for me" they don't really have anything to grasp on to

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:55 am
by Lefty Specialist
Stop me if you've heard this one before, but ANOTHER anti-vax radio host has died of COVID. He actually dubbed himself 'Mr. Anti-Vax'. ... id-1390555

At this rate we might defeat the misinformation through sheer attrition. Naturally the statement didn't mention what he actually died of.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:59 am
by batmagadanleadoff
Lefty Specialist wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:55 am Stop me if you've heard this one before, but ANOTHER anti-vax radio host has died of COVID. He actually dubbed himself 'Mr. Anti-Vax'. ... id-1390555

At this rate we might defeat the misinformation through sheer attrition. Naturally the statement didn't mention what he actually died of.
He was 65. It's mind-boggling to me that a person that age would purposely not get vaccinated. It'd make some sense to me, though not much, if he was 35, 40 years younger.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:24 am
by MFS62
Connecticut will now allow the State access to your COVID-19 vaccination information. ... 3e4b8c85fd
Cogan said he does not expect this information will be used in any coercive manner. “Nobody’s going to appear at your door with a needle,” he said.
But McGuire said the ACLU will be paying attention. He’s concerned about “mission creep,” he said, and how this sort of order is replicated either by Lamont or his successors.
“We have to make sure this is not precedent, whether for this governor or future governors,” he said. “This is an order that should be used judiciously by public health officials.”
Though he said there is “the possibility that it will be overused or misused by a municipality,” McGuire said, “I don’t think it’s intended and should not be used as an in to use pressure tactics on people.”

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:49 am
by Frayed Knot
I'm still seeing people of various ages getting vaxxes which is
a) Good

In my area the vaccines have been around for almost all adults for nearly six months now and widely so for more like five. Some, though, apparently just now getting around to it.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:57 am
by TransMonk
My mom is having a stomach surgery in mid-Septemeber and got authorized to get her third (booster) shot this morning.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 12:02 pm
by Ceetar
I think the booster shots might be messing with our stats too. I'm not sure the reporting is factoring them in when it does the math on total people vaccinated. For example, my town (I don't know how they reliably they measure your home location) is reporting 106% of 65+ have gotten at least 1 shot.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 12:13 pm
by Benjamin Grimm
That's a pretty good ratio!

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:16 pm
by nymr83
Frayed Knot wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:49 am I'm still seeing people of various ages getting vaxxes which is
a) Good

In my area the vaccines have been around for almost all adults for nearly six months now and widely so for more like five. Some, though, apparently just now getting around to it.
one other factor, i dont know if this is still the case but at one point they were saying if you already had covid to wait a few months afterwards to get vaccinated - could some of this be those people now getting injected?

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:10 pm
by Fman99
Lefty Specialist wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:55 am Stop me if you've heard this one before, but ANOTHER anti-vax radio host has died of COVID. He actually dubbed himself 'Mr. Anti-Vax'. ... id-1390555
More like Mr. Anti-Pulse, am I right folks?

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:09 am
by Frayed Knot
nymr83 wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:16 pm one other factor, i dont know if this is still the case but at one point they were saying if you already had covid to wait a few months afterwards to get vaccinated - could some of this be those people now getting injected?
There could be a myriad of reasons why someone is just now getting their shot (or their second, or their third).
It's just that my immediate reaction when I see someone lining up five or six months down the road is: "About time, dude!"

And on that note, a woman I know just got her first yesterday, spurred on by talking to a woman she works with who "thought she was going to die" after a bout with Covid.
Trying not to sound too judgmental, lest she get mad and change her mind, I felt like saying, 'and you didn't realize this until just now?!?'
But, while she wasn't a conspiracy/denier person, she had been one of those: 'well there are reasons for and reasons against ... it wasn't officially approved until recently ...
I wasn't sure at first ... ' etc types so she put it off all this time despite working in a place where vaccines are given!!
I just don't get it, but I guess better late than never.

And on THAT note, it seems that Al Leiter and John Smoltz are banned from the MLBN studio going forward because both are resisting getting the vaccine. They'll work remotely when on air.
No word yet on how FOX is going to handle Smoltz when playoff time comes around. Maybe making him sit in a child's high chair in his own tiny glass booth would be a good idea.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:09 am
by Fman99
Frayed Knot wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:09 am And on THAT note, it seems that Al Leiter and John Smoltz are banned from the MLBN studio going forward because both are resisting getting the vaccine. They'll work remotely when on air.
No word yet on how FOX is going to handle Smoltz when playoff time comes around. Maybe making him sit in a child's high chair in his own tiny glass booth would be a good idea.
Good. Ban all of the dipshits from the workplace. I approve one thousand percent.

Re: In Vaccine Thread 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:48 am
by Lefty Specialist
Not getting vaccinated needs to have consequences. They should be banned from working in a studio or a booth until 6 weeks after they get the shot (so no post-season for you, Smoltzie). And that ban should be advertised far and wide. No more coddling the jerks that want to mess things up for the rest of us.